Tripodi Funeral Services

Arranging a Funeral

The news of an unexpected death is most certainly a shock to anyone. Whether one is prepared or not to the tragic news, the loss of a loved one can be extremely overwhelming.

When a loved one passes away the family is usually left with a number of decisions to be made and, very often, under a great deal of emotional stress. A funeral is an event that no one wants to plan or think about until it becomes a reality. At Tripodi Funerals Services we can assist in all aspects of the planning to ease the stress for family members.

As the family will be going through immense grief and the stress at this particular time, by pre-arranging your funeral service you will relieve your loved ones from all the responsibilities and financial burden related to your funeral. This will also make sure that the choices and wishes you made will be respected.

By pre-paying your funeral cost today, means you are locking in your funeral service at today’s price for the rest of your life. Pre-paid funeral contracts are held in trust and they are capital guaranteed. These funds cannot be accessed until the pre-paid funeral service has been provided.

For peace of mind, come to see us for a consultation.

It is important for anyone, regardless of their wealth, to have a will and leave behind their wishes and directions to the executor/s. What kind of funeral do I want? Burial or Cremation? Full Service or a Memorial? Casket or Coffin? There are so many questions to be answered and it could be a daunting task for a grieving and distressed family.

tp-car2In case of death, a funeral home should be contacted immediately. They will take the loved one in their care and an experienced Funeral Director should be appointed to liaise with the person who has the legal authority to make the funeral arrangements for the deceased.

At first, a Death Registration Statement needs to be compiled accurately and all aspects of the funeral arrangement need to be discussed including:

  • Cemetery
  • Church
  • Clergy
  • Eulogy
  • Music
  • Photo tributes
  • Viewing
  • Rosary
  • Pallbearers
  • Memorial cards and Mass books
  • Floral arrangements
  • Cars
  • Funeral and death notices

It is important not to feel pressured by anyone in making decisions. Ultimately, it is your decision that counts and reflects the wishes of the loved one.

At Tripodi Funerals Services, arrangements can be made to meet your specific requirements. We provide honest, professional and practical advice in order to deliver a dignified funeral service.

Our staff is available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.